Monday 17 January 2011

Liar liar

So its about midway through January (ish anyway) and i have been spouting on to anyone who'll listen that i am ON DETOX. Which actually doesn't mean cleansing the body of all bad things (i still ate roast potatoes on Saturday and some sprouts which got the better of me) but i have told everyone i am NOT DRINKING FOR JANUARY. But I have a confession. Tonight I drank three LARGE glasses of red wine. Not only that, but i did the same last Thursday (actually maybe four). But I am not going to admit it to any of my friends. Because they do not need to know. Why? Because they are all being holier than thou on their non-drinking drive and the only reason i did it was for WORK purposes. On both occasions I was meeting people i needed to schmooze - and they were both drinking/boozeaholics. So if I didn't join them I would've looked like a boring twerp and they'd think 'She's no fun, what's the point of ever doing business with her or even ever speaking to her again?' So there you have it. It was a work-related retox. But if anyone asks I am still on a detox. Even though I can hardly see the keypad and have had to do spell-check on this about 80 million times. Hic.

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